Greetings ladies and gentlemen!
I am very happy to announce that Great Expectations Theatre is ready to share with you our latest project:The Cycle; which is an original dark drama surrounding domestic violence in young couples.
The first act of the Cycle will be read aloud to all of you lovely people on the 23rd of February 2017 at The Kings Arms, Salford, 11 Bloom Street, M3 6AN at 9:15PM.
A quick teaser/blurb for the piece is: Jake and Katie appear to be a happy normal couple. But a dark secret now threatens their lives. Will it make or break them?
We have two ALRA North graduates bringing the show to life: there's Hariett Millsopp who will be reading the part of Katie and Meg. Then we have Barney Cooper who will be reading for Jake. They're both incredibly talented actors and we're all very excited to be working together!
What I want to say with this play more than anything is that it can happen to anyone no matter: what stage of a relationship you're in, what age you are and also what gender you are. It can still happen to you.
If you can make it down to the reading then that would be incredible and any feedback as well on what you thought of the story will also be greatly appreciated.
You can get your tickets from the following here
Hope to see you there!
Rich Xx