This year, we've been exploring playwriting process through the work of emerging playwrights, established dramaturgs, and - now - academics working in the field of drama research.
Me and Stephen M Hornby have discussed our own writing processes; we've chatted to Rob Ward about the development of his theatre work including his current piece, Gypsy Queen, which is currently enjoying it's state-side debut; we've interviewed Laura Harper, the winner of this year's WriteForTheStage Prize for New Writing; and we've explored the art of dramaturgy with Liverpool Everyman's director of new works, Francesca Peshier.
We've also featured artists from this year's Greater Manchester Fringe Festival, and spoken to Stefanie Moore about the process of developing her theatre work with mentor, Tim Firth, along with support from WriteForTheStage.
Episode 10: Kate Adams
We've had quite a fascinating journey around the various processes of developing work for the theatre in 2019, but we've focused, largely, on fictional and narrative playwriting. So, we were very excited when Dr Kate Adams, lecturer in drama from Salford University, agreed to talk to us about the development of her ACE-supported project, Water Is Attracted To Water.
During the podcast, Kate describes her inspiration behind the project: climate change and how we've reached the point of irreversibility. Her starting point was a scientific theory that water is attracted to water, and was interested in how that relates to human interaction and our relationship with water.
We learn about how she took her initial research into the rehearsal room and, through the process of improvisation, created a great deal of material that might or might not end up in the final piece.
Kate explains how she chose to work, mainly, with non-actors and how she developed a process of drawing seemingly disparate scenes together to create a piece that is entertaining and engaging for audiences.
The Process of Devising
Kate goes into lots of detail about her devising process, offering genuine nuggets of inspiration for anyone who's interested in using devising as a means of creating a piece of theatre work.
Aspects of clowning inform the devising process to free up the creative flow, pushing boundaries beyond the norm; finding relevance in the ridiculous and conflict from the spoken word.
It really was a fascinating insight into devised theatre work, so make sure you have a listen.
Water Is Attracted To Water

The company offered a sharing of the work-in-progress piece to peers and colleagues at Salford University earlier in the year, and we find out about how this sharing prompted feedback, giving Kate a further opportunity to develop the script.
Water Is Attracted To Water will be touring in 2020 at:
Theatre Deli, Sheffield, May 8th
Jersey Opera House, (dates tbc)
and the company are in the process of finalising dates for Manchester in the autumn.
Follow Opportunities
Follow Kate on Twitter to find out more about the project develops. Her tag is @KateAdams on Twitter and @KateRoseAdams on Instagram. Follow #WaterIsAttractedToWater
You can Like the Water Is Attracted To Water Facebook page to keep up to date with progress on the tour and for climate crisis research and articles.
Follow Stephen M Hornby @StephenMHornby and @inkbrew on Twitter and Instagram.
Follow WriteForTheStage @Write4TheStage on Twitter and Instagram.