Happy new year, everyone. We’ve got a good feeling about 2020, here at WriteForTheStage.
Our calendar of events kicks off with Studio Salford Development Week, taking place at the end of Feb/beginning of March.
Development Week is an excellent opportunity to try new work in front of an audience. You get written feedback to help with the development of the writing and a chance to network and meet people who could help bring your script off the page.
WFTS Progressing
Our Progressing course is tailor-made for Development Week preparation. We meet online each week (Tuesdays), read each other’s work, do character exercises, and help each other with constructive critique. If you‘re working on an existing script, it’s a great way to develop it; you don’t need to have completed previous WriteForTheStage playwriting courses.
Progressing starts on Tuesday 7th Jan and runs ever week up until Development Week.
WFTS Producing
In addition to our playwriting courses, we you bring your script to life.
Our Producing course is designed to help you learn the skills for lifting a script off the page, bringing it to life on the stage.
It’s perfect for people who are bringing new work to the Greater Manchester Fringe Festival, so if you’re thinking of getting that script in front of an audience this July during the festival, we can help.
We cover all of the essential elements of production, including the roles and responsibilities of the crew, budgeting, casting, marketing, and technical requirements. We also explore funding possibilities and put together a real bid for funding for the Arts Council.
While there’s absolutely no guarantee that you’ll get your funding (that’s totally out of our hands), we have a pretty good track record of helping past participants of the Producing course achieve their funding objectives.
Additionally, we have a string of successful productions (see our blog archive) and a list of past participants who have gone on to produce more work after their initial projects, including ACE-funded productions at Greater Manchester Fringe Festival.
The WriteForTheStage Producing course starts this coming Saturday, 11th Jan. It runs online and each session is 3-hours long.
Development Week
We’re exciting to bringing Studio Salford Development Week 14 to the Kings Arms Theatre in Feb/March - date tbc. It’s a great week of brand new work from local writers, performers, poets, and spoken word artists. As well as examples of pieces from our playwriting courses, we open up the door to anyone who wants to try out their work.
Development Week is an excellent opportunity to try your work out in front of an audience, while getting written feedback. We give everyone up to fifty minutes and the stage is all their’s to experiment, to explore, and to share.
If you have a piece of new writing you’d like to try out, check out the guidelines and get in touch.